Handful of Egyptian media outlets announce plans to cease work Tuesday to protest President Morsi\'s contentious constitutional decree Eleven Egyptian publications have decided not to print their Tuesday editions to protest President Mohamed Morsi’s controversial constitutional decree. A handful of private satellite channels also reportedly plan to temporarily cease transmission on Tuesday. Among the publications that plan to join the strike are Masry Al-Youm, Al-Tahrir, Al-Wafd, Al-Watan, Al-Youm Al-Sabae, Al-Fagr and Al-Ahrar. Satellite channels that plan to temporarily cease broadcasting on Tuesday include ONTV, Dream TV and CBC. The administrations of Al-Hayat and Al-Mehwar channels are also reportedly considering joining the strike. Earlier this month, representatives of Egypt\'s journalist syndicate withdrew from the Constituent Assembly tasked with drafting Egypt’s constitution. Syndicate members complained that the assembly refused to listen to their recommendations. Syndicate members also criticised what they said were violations of freedom of expression in the current draft charter. They also criticised the assembly\'s disregard for journalists\' demands to protect press freedoms and prohibit the closure of media outlets and confiscate newspapers. After withdrawals by various political forces, the Islamist-led Constituent Assembly finalised the final draft constitution early on Friday. President Morsi is expected to ratify the document on Saturday in advance of a national referendum on the proposed charter in mid-December. From Ahramonline