Three more journalists have been killed by gunfire in the Syrian town of Maaloula, north of the capital Damascus, press freedom organisation Reporters Without Borders (RWB) said late Tuesday. RWB said that the three press professionals were killed on Monday when they came under fire during the battle by Syrian regime troops to take Maaloula back from opposition forces which had held the town for several months. The three dead journalists were all Lebanese and worked for pro-Syrian regime "Al-Manar" television channel based in Lebanon. The Lebanese media said that the journalists' vehicles were clearly identified as "Press" and had insignia visible, a statement from RWB said. Thirty-one journalists, including nine foreigners, have been killed in the Syrian conflict since it began in March 2011. Around 150,000 people in total, the bulk of them civilians, are also estimated to have lost their lives in Syria. Reporters Without Borders ranks Syria in 177th place out of 180 in its ranking of countries offering the best conditions for freedom of the p ress.