Former military leader Guo Boxiong

The expulsion of former military leader Guo Boxiong has once again demonstrated the Chinese leadership's determination to run the People's Liberation Army (PLA) with strict discipline, said a commentary to be carried Saturday by the People's Daily, the flagship newspaper of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

Guo, former vice chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), was announced to have been expelled from the CPC for suspected discipline violations and taking bribes.

There is no hiding place for corruption within the Party, and it is even more so with the PLA, which holds the weapons to guard national security, the article said.

There are no exceptions in an army ruled in accordance with the law and guarded by strong discipline, it said.

The influence of Guo Boxiong's and Xu Caihou's activities has profoundly damaged army-building efforts, but will not taint the loyal nature of the PLA, it said.

Since its founding 88 years ago, historical experience has made it clear that the PLA has become and stayed invincible due to its strict organization, management and discipline.

Since the conclusion of the 18th National Congress of the CPC, strict regulations and rules have been rolled out to tighten the management of the army, leaving no space for corruption.

The negative impact of Guo's and Xu's cases should be fully eradicated, while the proud tradition and sound work style of the PLA will be continued to enhance the combat capacity of the army, the article said.