China\'s reshuffled ministry chiefs are set to bear the weight of the public\'s high expectations, according to a comment piece in Thursday\'s overseas edition of the People\'s Daily, the flagship newspaper of the Communist Party of China.In its latest reshuffle of the State Council, or the Cabinet, China has seen a round of department mergers and restructuring as well as appointments of new ministry chiefs over the past couple of days.The newspaper article said the new cabinet officials are tasked with tackling not only \"existing problems\" but also the profound \"transformation of government functions\" concerning the country\'s economic and social development.Strengthening environmental protection and satisfying people\'s housing needs by preventing property prices from rising \"irrationally\" are among the key areas where the new ministry chiefs will come under pressure from people\'s high hopes, it said.Terming the public\'s rising environmental awareness a key social phenomenon over the past 10 years, the article said the real solution to China\'s thorny pollution problems is improving the country\'s ideas and modes of development.It warned that high housing prices are \"devouring\" the \"China Dream\" of middle-class Chinese, calling for government efforts to maintain a balance in pursuing economic growth and meeting people\'s housing needs.Moreover, the article expressed wishes that the new Cabinet will live up to its words on ensuring social justice and equity, offering each citizen equal opportunity to access social services and pursue career success.