The national newspapers noted in their Thursday’s issues, the competition between the presidential candidates on 17 April, which began to attract a greater number of citizens through their meetings in the provinces, on the fourth day the campaign."After a slow start, the campaign began, on its fourth day to attract citizens across several provinces," notes the State-owned Arabic-language daily El Massaa.Greater competition between candidates Abdelaziz Belaid, Ali Benflis, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, Louisa Hanoune, Ali Fawzi Rabaïne and Moussa Touati is expected by the second week of the campaign for the presidential election on April 17, the newspaper added.In an article entitled "Glimpses on the country," the public paper Echaab talked about the competition among the candidates of the next presidential election, who mobilized their members, "to attract people" and win their votes on the d-day.French-speaking El Moudjahid said that the campaign has enabled all the political players to express their views on the presidential election and the way they see things, in an article entitled "the great themes of the campaign between convergence and divergence.""A particular aspect of the April election should be noted and which is the presence on the national scene of all the political players, those who participate, those who boycott and those who oppose the boycott to counter each other and to impose a healthy competition guaranteeing democratic practice,” the paper wrote.Several news papers were divided about the purpose of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry visit, on 2 and 3 April to Algeria, during the election campaign for the next presidential election.Divergence was also about the EU decision to send, at the request of Algeria, a "restricted" observation mission for the presidential election.