A new monitoring unit for violations against media personnel will be launched in Tunisia. Journalist Fahim Boukuddous will service as coordinator of the unit. He said the Tunisian Centre for Freedom of Press would establish the unit. A guide detailing the unit’s methods for monitoring the violations will be published in two weeks, he said. Boukudoous said the centre’s work would extend to presenting views and perspectives on other subjects that concern journalists, such as the Arab-wide journalistic code and editorial boards in government-run media corporations. He announced plans to establish a legal unit aimed to spread awareness on media laws and ethics. The centre will also hold seminars by journalists whose rights have been breached. Al-Fahim Boukuddous was imprisoned and tortured at the hands of police during ousted President Zein Zine El Abidine Ben Ali’s rule. He was harassed after he covered the Al-Hawd Al-Manjami revolt.