Salaheddine Mezouar

Foreign Minister, Salaheddine Mezouar decided to sue arabic-speaking paper “Annas” for “publishing false information and undermining his honor and dignity,” his defense said on Tuesday.
“Upon his return from his working visit in Peru and the Dominican Republic and following a meeting with his lawyers on the case of false allegations against him by Annas newspaper, Foreign Minister, Salaheddine Mezouar, decided to sue the paper, given the dangerous nature of the accusations that were published, including misleading information that Mezouar is the holder of a French passport,” said the minister’s defense.
These accusations, the same source added, are “an affront to the dignity and honor of the minister of foreign affairs and cooperation.”
Annas the newspaper has alleged recently that Mezouar holds the French nationality.
The Moroccan official denied in a statement the information that he described as “false and devoid of any credibility.”