Minister of Communication Abdelkader Messahel stressed on Sunday in Adrar that Algeria Press Service (APS) opts for local information as part of its development in terms of information and multimedia. Messahel said on Adrar’s local radio that APS has got a different face in comparison with the 1970s as it adopts modern technical means in terms of information and multimedia, allowing the Algerian news agency to ensure a local information through a project, the first of its kind, launched in Tamanrasset, adding that APS intends to extend this project over other provinces, like Illizi and Adrar. “Local information through APS is a new option allowing young people, mainly those interested in journalism and communication micro-enterprises, to sell their informative product to APS on the basis of a partnership relation,” Messahel said. The technological evolution achieved by APS will contribute to providing “a real local information concerning citizens who will participate in the agency’s activity,” the minister stressed, affirming that “willingness exists and the necessary means are provided by state to implement this approach.” Besides, Messahel highlighted “the importance of the broadcasting law which is part of the reforms decided by President of the Republic Abdelaziz Bouteflika as it further establishes pluralism in the field of radio and television information including for private operators.”