Editor-in-Chief Adel Al-Abdul

Since its first issue on 1 December 1958, Al-Arabi Magazine has been regarded as the "spirit of Kuwaiti culture", Editor-in-Chief Adel S. Al-Abdul Jader has said.
Over decades, Al-Arabi has graced the Arab culture scene, enriching it with a variety of elevated articles and subjects on literature, history, philosophy, development, intellectual thinking and even japes as well as many others, he told KUNA in an interview.
Al-Abdul Jader who took over at the major Arab cultural magazine only last July, said they are working hard on restoring Al-Arabi's old leading status, building on what predecessors have achieved.
One problem Al-Abdul Jader depicts in his serious attempt at Al-Arabi is that culture and thinking have been changing, due to an information and technological revolution, the cancerous spread of the internet in particular "which has relatively lowered the Magazine voice and slashed readers." The fifth editor in the history of Al-Arabi stressed the fact that the Magazine is supported by the state, which guarantees a print issuance, referring to a proposal to make it online, which is not hard to carry out.
Some of the magazine articles will be published on Twitter and Facebook, to measure readers' reaction.
He revealed that they are discussing allocating a sector for the Arab yout. He said that one of the major concerns at the Magazine these days is how to encourage young people to read, through certain articles and stories that appeal to them.
Al-Abdul Jader referred to the cooperation with the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) which publishes the best a short story contest organized by Al-Arabi. It also organizes competitions for Arab children through its magazine "Al-Arabi Al-Sagheer" (Young Arab), in addition to a photography contest.