Kuwaiti media lost one of its leading figures, television presenter Ahmad Abdul'al, who passed away on Monday at the age of 81 years old, after a long fight with illness. Abdul'al greatly served the Kuwaiti media sector, as he worked as a news editor, and later as a television presenter in 1959. Later he was appointed as the head of televised programs and news reports department at the Ministry of Information between 1992-1997, then as advisor in televised political programs and news department. Many media figures benefited from his 45 years of experience, as he presented several political interviews and programs on TV, including "know your enemy", "universe around us", and was part of many media missions sent abroad by the Ministry of Information to cover international conferences. He also worked in media institutions in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries before retiring in 1997. The deceased was born in 1932, and held a BA in law in 1977