Algerian Hamid Grine

Several projects meant to modernize the press that, including the National agency Algeria Press Service (APS) were announced Saturday in Algiers by minister of Communication, Hamid Grine.
"APS has a modernization project (audiovisual and multimedia) which I fully support," Grine said on the National radio.
In addition to an increasingly "strong" presence of APS on the Internet and social networks, the Minister announced the opening of new offices abroad.
He dubbed the foreign offices of APS "a beautiful thing for the voice of Algeria", adding that he already met with officials of APS and other newspapers such as the daily El Massa and Horizons, "to give further impetus " to the sector.
Regarding national dailies Horizons and El Massa, he announced these newspapers "will very soon launch two large electronic newspapers in the Southern region."
"Both projects will be completed soon, mainly the one of Horizons which could be inaugurated next week," Grine stressed, adding it is an electronic for Southern region that will deal with 70% of the activities of people in the South.