A Federal National Council publication has been launched to help raise political awareness. This week the FNC printed the first edition of Federal National magazine to help explain the council\'s role. \"The Federal National reflects the developments of the parliamentary life in the UAE and works to spread cultural parliamentary awareness among individuals in society,\" said Mohammed Al Mur, the FNC speaker. He said the magazine would act as a portal to the FNC where people could follow discussions that went on under the council\'s dome, whether it was questions, general topics or bills - including proposals passed to the cabinet \"which are important to Emiratis\". The magazine will feature other council activities, inside and outside the country, reflecting their legislative, advisory and supervisory role. There is an interview with Mr Al Mur in the first issue. In it, he stresses the importance of cooperation between the council and the Government. The magazine is one of several expected media projects sponsored by the council following a closed session when their new media plan was approved last month. Members also agreed that a programme will be made for Sharjah Radio and a television programme will be introduced to stream live debates and interviews. A soft copy of the magazine will be uploaded on the FNC website soon, the council\'s media department said. From The National