Al-Hayat al-Jadida Sunday highlighted US Secretary of State John Kerry calling President Mahmoud Abbas for the second time in 24 hours in his ongoing efforts to revive the stumbling peace process. It reported on warnings about the consequences of the unreasonably hiking prices amid calls on the government to find solutions. The paper printed photos of protestors in Tel Aviv calling to end the occupation. Protestors carried signs saying “Stop Occupation! Stop Apartheid!” Al-Ayyam featured a report stating that Israeli settlers burnt with chemicals around 750 trees in only one week. It wrote about an Israeli military order to confiscate 3.5 dunums from the land of Teqoa’ village in the northern Jordan Valley under the pretext of “security reasons.” Al-Quds reported on the Israeli army threatening to arrest four teens from the village of Kufr Qaddoum. The army printed photos of the four teens and hung them around the village. Al-Quds and al-Ayyam highlighted the events taking place in Turkey after the government’s decision to redevelop Gezi Park in Istanbul\'s Taksim Square. The plan will lead to cutting over 600 trees in the park. Al-Quds headline read: “[Turkish Prime Minister Recep] Erdogan faces the largest protests since he became prime minister.” Al-Ayyam printed a photo of thousands of protesters under police tear gas barrage. The headline read: “Istanbul clashes ignite the ‘Turkish Spring’.”