National press continues to focus on the election campaign for the Presidential of April 17 with in the editions of Saturday different assessments on its conduct.El Yaoum paper mentioned “a greater intensity” in the animation of the meetings on the sixth day of the electoral campaign.El Massae paper reports that the meetings have drawn a larger number of people at the end of the campaign’s first week, following a “timid” beginning.Le Quotidien d'Oran writes that “the campaign, which is just on its first week, shows loss of impetus and a kind of weariness is taking place in the popular meetings.” “Little interest among the Algerians” after a week of election campaign, write El Watan paper on its front page.El Khabar cites also a “popular lack of interest” in the meetings organized by the candidates and their representatives in an election campaign which is “far from being a competition between the ideas and the programmes.”