US Secretary of State John Kerry

Afghan newspapers in their editorials on Monday praised U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry for his role in ending the election deadlock and brokering an agreement between presidential candidates Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai to form a national unity government.
After two days of intense talks in Kabul, Kerry was able to broker the agreement between the two candidates late Saturday night and thus brought an end to the election deadlock which had put country the verge of worst political crisis.
"It is an historic accord brokered by John Kerry after two days of intense talks with both candidates in Kabul and given an end to the election deadlock as the Afghans expected," the newspaper Daily Etilaat-e-Roz writes in its editorial.
According to the agreement, all the votes used during the June 14 presidential runoff are recounted by the election commission in the presence of national and international observers including UN and media representatives.
"The agreement brokered by John Kerry between the two presidential candidates to form national unity government which has raised the ray of hopes among Afghans is an historic one," the paper went on to say in its editorial.
Another newspaper the "Sadai Shahrwand" in an article published Monday prized John Kerry for his tireless efforts in breaking down the election standoff and writes, "Secretary of State John Kerry during his 48-hour mission in Afghanistan had brokered agreement between the two candidates, a mission that the election commission had failed to do, therefore, Kerry, indeed made a miracle."
"The discussions of John Kerry, once again flamed the candle of hope among Afghans as he was able to convince both the candidates to recount and audit the votes," another newspaper the Daily Outlook said in its Monday editorial.
"So, hopefully both candidates this time accept the outcome and respect the bloods of Afghans shed for strengthening government and bringing peace and stability," the paper Outlook maintained.
"The government of President Hamid Karzai and the electoral bodies deserve much blame and criticism for dragging the country into brink of a potential crisis," another newspaper the Afghanistan Express, stated in its editorial.
"With the agreement in place, now the government and the two election commissions (Independent election commission and Election complaints commission) must commit themselves to a sound and transparent process," The Afghanistan Express added in its editorial on Monday.