Two of the Bahrain-based daily newspapers, namely Akhbar Al-Khaleej and Al-Bilad, late last night urged the 34th GCC Summit in the State of Kuwait to expedite the epoch-making, long-awaited resolution aspired by the Arabian Gulf peoples which is moving to the phase of unity. Akhbar Al-Khaleej wrote: "After 32 years of cooperation between the six GCC member countries and after attaining developments and accomplishments in all walks of life they are now more than any time in the past requested to move with this successful regional experiment to a more advanced phase to satisfy the desires, ambitions and hopes of the GCC peoples by taking substantial steps in moving to the phase of Gulf union". Al-Bilad said the GCC Summit comes amidst many challenges in the regions and aspirations of its peoples. Al-Bilad wrote: "If GCC citizens attentively look at each and every GCC meeting in much anticipation, they are much more attentively in anticipation of more accomplishments. The historic 34th GCC Summit in Kuwait reconfirms the fact which the GCC leaders' meetings are for the welfare and prosperity of GCC citizens, and accomplish their aspirations, hopes and ambitions in terms of more gains and accomplishments".