While Vietnam announced to end the hunt for the missing Malaysian airplane in its waters Saturday, local media grumbled about deficient information from Malaysia in search of the jet. Reports on the hunt for the missing Malaysian airplane have overwhelmed Vietnamese media during the past week. Now more and more Vietnamese media are blaming Malaysian side for providing insufficient information while quoting reports saying relatives of passengers onboard the MH370 would sue the Malaysian government for slowly updating information. Tuoitre (the Youth) online newspaper said in an article ( earlier on Wednesday) that Malaysia showed a lack of information transparency in the incident. In an article posted on VNExpress online newspaper, a part of Vietnamese netizens agreed that Malaysian side was slow in updating information to public. A reader named Phu Hoang commented on VNExpress that it would be better if Malaysia update sufficient and correct information since the beginning. It would be the foundation for investigators to soon find the plane. Ambiguous, inaccurate information lead to deadlock in search of the missing plane, commented Quan Nguyen Minh on VNExpress. Nguyen Thanh Trung, former deputy director of Vietnam Airlines has also put a question mark that "for some reasons" the Malaysian government and the Malaysian Airlines did not promptly provide sufficient information to international community of the direction of the airplane after it went missing, according to local VNEconomy online newspaper. While announcing the decision to end the search mission in waters off Vietnam, Vo Van Tuan, deputy chief of general staff of the Vietnamese army and standing deputy chairman of Vietnam's National Committee for Search and Rescue told reporters in capital Hanoi on Saturday that as Malaysia is the owner of the airplane, any information it releases must be accurate. Earlier on Wednesday, Pham Quy Tieu, Vietnamese deputy minister of transport told local media that from the beginning of the incident, Malaysian authorities have failed to actively cooperate with Vietnam in handling the issue. Tuoitre daily newspaper on Thursday quoted Tieu as saying while Vietnam always reported all of the new findings suspected to relate to the missing plane, Malaysia did not fully provide its newly collected information to Vietnam, Tieu said. "The plane belongs to Malaysia, so it should have been the main source of information, but it has yet to actively cooperate with Vietnam from the very beginning of the incident," tuoitre quoted Tieu. Shortly after detecting that flight MH370 disappeared from radar screens when it was about to enter the Vietnamese FIR ( Flight Information Region) on Saturday, the Ho Chi Minh City Area Control Center reported the issue to FIR Malaysia and nearby units. Vietnam then activated its primary radar system to detect the plane and notified Malaysia Airlines officials but received no responses, Tuoitre quoted Tieu as saying. Malaysian Prime Minister released new searching direction on Saturday, saying the search operation in the South China Sea would be abandoned.