The Turkish chargé d\'affaires met for three hours late Sunday with Metin Turan, a reporter for Turkish television broadcaster TRT who is currently detained by Egyptian authorities. Turan was arrested early Saturday while covering a standoff between Egyptian security forces and protesters holed up inside Fath Mosque in Cairo\'s Ramses Square. Hundreds of supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi, including women and children, had taken refuge in the mosque after dozens of fellow protesters had been killed by security forces in the square. More than 181 people were killed Friday in mass rallies by Morsi supporters in several Egyptian cities, held to protest Wednesday\'s violent dispersal of two main protest sites in Cairo\'s Rabaa al-Adawiya Square and Giza\'s Nahda Square. The Fatah Mosque protesters, along with journalists covering the standoff, were subsequently taken to Tora Prison in southern Cairo. Anadolu Agency journalist Heba Zakariya was held for eight hours before being released along with other female detainees. Turan, meanwhile, remains in police custody.