Ambassador Al-Obied Ahmed Muraweh

The tripartite mechanism for reviewing the press Institutions Status has discussed the problems and obstacles facing the press work and the employees' rights at the press institutions.
Ambassador Al-Obied Ahmed Muraweh has stressed on application of Press Act on the institutions that have failed to pay the social insurance for journalists, explaining that the Act application will be after implementation all the other procedures that make the publishers committed to pay the journalists 'rights.
The meeting also discussed the best mechanism to oblige the publishers to pay the social securities.
The Chairman of the Social Insurance Office, Al-Tahir Hamid, revealed that a number of newspapers have failed to pay, while others evaded different ways for paying the insurance.
The meeting also reviewed the problems that facing the insurance administration which included suspension and liquidation without payment of the commitments.
The General Union of the Sudanese Journalists is committed to follow up the procedures for the payment of the social insurance to its membership in the newspapers, in coordination with the Council of Press and Publications.
It is to be mentioned that the tripartite mechanism includes the National Council for Press and Publications, the General Union of the Sudanese Journalists and the National Fund of the Social Insurance.