Syrian President’s Media Advisor Bouthaina Shaaban described Saudi Arabia and Turkey as the main supporters of foreign-backed militant groups in Syria, while the stances of most European countries have changed against the Syria crisis currently. Shaaban said that in the recent negotiations between Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem and EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, it seems that the new attitudes adopted by most of the EU members are reasonable and acceptable to Syria government, Al-Alam reported. Referring to the statements done by Moallem in the International Geneva II Peace Conference, Shaaban said the remarks were totally emanated from the real will of Syrian nation. She said while the Syrian government has seriously accepted to participate in such conference, but we should re-consider the fact that the interferences of western governments as well as some Arab regimes will bring nothing except a total destruction for Syria. Shaaban stressed that Moallem’s remarks were totally in direction with re-establishment of the territorial integrity of Syria as well as reforming unity among the nation. She also noted that some foreign regimes are totally known for their clear enmity and hatred towards Syria and many Syrian people also know that the country has been exposed to a foreign conspiracy.