Children's rights

The Saudi newspaper al-Watan scolded Thursday the United Nations for excluding Israel from the List of Shame of states and armed groups that violate children's rights during conflicts, despite an outcry over the death of more than 500 children in the 50-day Gaza war.

The paper said "the Arabs, especially the Palestinians, have the right to balk at this defective and unacceptable report, especially when it is issued by an official organization supposed to be impartial."

The paper added that "Israel's heinous crimes in the occupied Palestinian territories and neighboring Arab countries could be written in volumes."

The paper added that "what is astonishing is that the UN had previously recognized Israel's crimes against Palestinian children."

The paper said if the lame duck organization could not protect the Palestinians from Israeli crimes, it should at least recognize their crimes or keep mum instead of excluding it from the blacklist.