International press freedom organization Reporters Without Borders (RWB) expressed relief on Monday over the release of two Spanish journalists yesterday after being held captive for six months in Syria by fighters of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS). "Reporters Without Borders is relieved and overjoyed by yesterday''''s release of two Spanish journalists; El Mundo''''s Middle East correspondent Javier Espinosa and freelance photographer Ricardo Garcia Vilanova," the organization said in a statement. "We hope that all the other professional and amateur journalists who are hostages or in prison in Syria will also be freed soon," said RWB, noting that a total of 13 foreign journalists and more than 20 Syrian news providers are still hostages or missing in Syria. It added that ISIS continues to hold other Syrian and foreign news providers, including four French journalists. The two Spanish reporters were captured by ISIS in Syria''''s northern province of Raqqah, near the Turkish border, on 16 September 2013 as they were about to leave Syria at the end of a two-week visit covering the conflict, said RWB