International press freedom body Reporters Without Borders (RWB) condemned on Monday the latest attack against Iraqi press professionals, notably the violence carried out against Iraqi TV correspondent Hussam Al-Akuli, who works for "Al-Baghdadiya" Television Channel. The attack is the latest in a series of attempts to intimidate and even kill press professionals in Iraq. Al-Akuli, who is also a freelance photographer, was attacked in his home in Al-Samawah, 290 kilometres south of Baghdad, when men in military uniform broke in a stabbed him several times in the face and neck and broke his arm in several places. The journalist said he had received written warnings not to do any more stories on local corruption which he had revealed concerning real estate operations. "For years, Iraqi journalists have been exposed to the danger of threats, attacks and murder coming from different quarters, especially when they tackle risky subjects such as corruption," said Reporters Without Borders research director Lucie Morillon. The press freedom entity had already on May 6 issued a warning about the problems facing journalism in Iraq, noting there were 328 reported cases of abuse against press professionals in that country in 2013 and there were 103 arrests of journalists and 63 cases of reported violence against them. There were also 162 cases of obstruction of media work and four media were suspended, while 71 complaints were filed against working journalists.