Russian media holding offices

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been informed about searches at the editorial office of the LIfeNews television channel, presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov told journalists on Tuesday, adding that the Kremlin never comments on investigatory actions.
"The president is informed about all media reports, including about investigatory actions at LifeNews’ office," he said.
"We never comment on any investigatory actions," Peskov underscored "But our colleagues from the Investigations Committee inform us about each case. We hope we will be informed tis time as well."
Earlier on Tuesday, LifeNews’ website said its office and the office of LifeNews TV were being searched. Aram Gabrlyanov, the holding’s top executive, told TASS the search might be linked with documents on one of the editorial office’s journalistic investigations. Olga Kostina, the head of the Resistance human rights organization, said she had informed Russia’s Investigations Committee that in its televised child abuse video report, LifeNews made public some personal details of the child.