A protester chants slogans during a sit-in, in solidarity with the people of Aleppo

Press freedom groups called on Tuesday for safe passage for media workers trapped inside a small remaining pocket of opposition territory in Syria’s east Aleppo as the army advances.
Lebanon’s SKeyes Center, the London-based Rory Peck Trust and 18 other press NGOs urged all parties to ensure “steps are taken to safeguard the lives of media workers living and working in Aleppo and those media workers choosing to leave the city.” They called for the “safe passage of media workers” and “respect for the work and the physical integrity of media personnel,” noting they are protected under international law.
Assad forces has taken more than 90 percent of east Aleppo from fighters since launching a military operation nearly one month ago.
Tens of thousands of people have fled opposition neighborhoods as the government has advanced, but many civilians, including medics and media activists, fear arrest if they cross to regime territory.
“Names and identities of Aleppo’s media workers are known to international media assistance and press freedom organizations and any harm to their personal safety will be considered a breach of international conventions put in place to ensure the safety of journalists and must be independently investigated,” the NGOs wrote.
Media watchdog Reporters Without Borders says Syria is the world’s deadliest country for journalists.
In June, it said at least 51 professional and 144 non-professional journalists had been killed in the country since the start of the conflict in 2011.
A further 50 are either detained in government jails, held hostage by the Daesh group or other extremist armed groups, or have simply disappeared.

Source: Arab News