Jordan News Agency

Jordan News Agency Petra on Saturday discussed with its Chinese counterpart Xinhua ways for the two national media institutions to cooperate in the area of news coverage and development of resources. Petra Director General Faisal Shboul told Xinhua chief editor, He Ping, and an accompanying delegation that Petra had made significant progress in terms of media style, usage of technology and development of human resources as it provides coverage of the region, thus maintaining its presence locally as well as on the international scene.
Shboul also noted the importance of promoting Sino-Jordanian relations in the field of media, noting that the Xinhua delegation's trip is part of a series of mutual visits to deepen ties between the two agencies.
He also said Petra would offer professional support as far as exchange of expertise with its Chinese peer was concerned, particularly regarding the Arabic news bulletin that Xinhua publishes on the Middle East.