National responsibility, youth creativity media development's main pillars

Information Minister Ali bin Mohammed Al Romaihi stressed that stimulating the creativity spirit of the youth and their assumption of the national responsibility in adhering to objectivity and promoting common patriotic values are two main pillars in developing the media message.
The minister was speaking during a celebration organised by the Information Ministry, in coincidence with the 16th anniversary of the National Action Charter, to honour winners of the creativity competition in TV production and the sport media talent competition. He underlined the pivotal role of the media in maximizing the ongoing development and civilizational achievements brought about by the reform project of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa.
The minister praised the outstanding creative national competencies, describing them as the real assets of the nation and the catalyst of sustainable development. He thanked all the participants in the media contests, pointing out the role of such competitions in grooming the national media staff, discovering talents and promoting the spirit of innovation and competitiveness. He congratulated the winners, hailing the efforts of the jury in assessing the participants' works and choosing the winners on objective and professional criteria. 
Al Romaihi presented the winners certificates of appreciation and cash awards for those who clinched the first three places. He asserted the ministry's keenness to avail of the potentials of the gifted youth in art and media production. He also underlined the ministry's keenness to boost cooperation with the art production companies specialized in developing the radio and TV programmes.
The minister hailed the innovative ideas of the Bahraini youth in developing the national media in partnership with the private sector so as to highlight the glorious history of the kingdom and its pioneering achievements in the prosperous era of HM the King.
The honourees thanked Al Romaihi for his support to the young media staff. Zakariya Abdulrasool Ahmed Mehdi clinched first place in the documentary competition while Abdullah Nasser Abdullah Mohammed Hujairi and Fahad Khamis Ali Al Romaihi came second and third respectively. 
In the TV spot competition, the first place went to Sarra Faisal Abduljalil Al Merbati, second place to Hussain Ahmed Ali Juma'a and third place to Sarra Nabil Abdulmajid Hassan Al Qasemi. 
In the sport media talent competition, Salman Khalid Ibrahim Al Hiddi won the sport commentary prize, Ahmed Mohammed Ali Hussain grabbed the sport preparation prize and Mohammed Abdulrazzaq Ali Abdullah Al Sharqawi clinched the sport presentation prize.

Source: BNA