Media's effective role underlined on communication and soft power
Media's effective role underlined

The Diplomatic Institute of Qatar has organized a seminar on communication and soft power, in which Edwin Samuel, the British government's spokesperson in the Middle East and North Africa, lectured in the presence of a large crowd of diplomats and Foreign Ministry staff.

At the beginning, Samuel expressed his gratitude to the seminar organizers for giving him the chance to speak on such an important issues and its significance in creating a cultural integration between Britain and peoples of the region, according to Qatar News Agency (QNA). 

He addressed Britain's approach in defending its image through the main branches of diplomacy and how the British government realized its need to create a spokesperson position, noting that among the means Britain uses to express its policies and explain its government's stances is the parliament's weekly session where the prime minister addresses the parliament and explains to the British people and the world the major features of the British foreign policy. 

Samuel said this way is no longer enough, particularly in light of the ongoing developments in the region, which was the reason why the government realized the need for a spokesperson and the importance of having a direct channel of communication with the Arab media. He added that social media is one of the main means of communications and has today become part of the diplomatic corps, QNA reported.