The Supreme Council for Women (SCW) recently organized a two-day media workshop, attended by a large number of SCW\'s members, media professionals, journalists, etc. Bahrain News Agency (BNA) has interviewed a number of workshop participants who praised the effectiveness and rich content of the workshop. The IAA News Center\'s broadcaster Reem Saif commended the workshop from which she said she has greatly benefitted and considered the workshop a great contribution in closing viewpoints between various media professionals who discussed various challenges facing them and identifying true snags and finding possible solutions for them. This was also agreed by Fadil Fulad and Mohammed Baqer from Al-Wasat newspaper who accentuated that tabling legislations which protect media professionals has remarkably enriched the discussion during workshop. Khadija Al-Kooheji fromthe BTV\'s Hala Bahrain Program Show opines that the workshop has benefited media professionals a lot by introducing their rights and obligations and discussing the relevant laws regarding freedom of opinion and expression which had a major impact in getting to know how to deal with those who cross the boundaries and how to assess ourselves, too. Mahmoud Khalid the representative of Radio Bahrain said that the workshop opened horizons for media professionals to develop their career in serving the Homeland and the community, pointing out that this sort of workshops orient the participants. Berwyn Emmanuel who is a management staff member in Bahrain Radio (BRTC)- says: despite the fact that I\'m a member of management staff myself and not a media professional, however, the workshop informed me regarding legislations and behaviors of media professionals which gives them the right to have an audible voice in the community. On the other hand, the SCW\'s General Secretary, Dhawiya Al-Alawi, emphasized that teh objective of celebrating Bahraini Women\'s Day, is not sufficed with celebrating Bahraini women\'s feats, but to monitor the reality and boost a culture of legal awareness for media professionals in order to find out legislations and conventions ratified by the Kingdom of Bahrain which rule the business of the media. Certainly, the SCW has accomplished countless unprecedented initiatives which attest that there are always watchful eyes in the service of the nation and the community.