Daesh militants

The Libyan Foreign Ministry welcomed the dispatch of a fact-finding commission due to come to Libya to investigate the disappearance of two Tunisian reporters in eastern Libya since September 2014.

In statements to MENA, the ministry said it will offer all needed facilities to the commission.

The Tunisian government decision to send the commission ensued from recent statements by a spokesman for Libya's official government based in eastern Libya saying that an arrested militant of Daesh had admitted that his group had killed the two reporters.

The Tunisian government declined to confirm the death of the reporters and said it will wait for the commission's report.

Daesh militants have exploited a security vacuum in Libya, where two governments and parliaments allied to host of various armed groups are fighting each other on several fronts four years after the ousting of strongman Moammar Gadhafi.

The militant group, which has seized large parts of Syria and Iraq, has claimed responsibility in Libya for the killing of 30 Ethiopian and 21 Egyptian Christians as well as an attack on a Tripoli hotel, embassies and oilfields.