Sheikh Nimr al-Sabah

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry is posed to intensify efforts against intellectual property rights (IPR) violators, a senior ministry official has said.
Nationwide campaigns are to be launched against IPR infringements, the ministry's Assistant Undersecretary for Foreign Trade and International Organizations Affairs Sheikh Nimr Al-Sabah told KUNA.
Sheikh Nimr's statement followed a meeting of the Coordination Committee on IPR Protection, adding that the intensive inspection campaigns would cover all markets to eradicate fake goods.
The official warned that there would be no toleration for violators.
Today, the committee discussed Kuwait's classification in the US Trade Representative (USTR) report on countries with IPR violations, he said.
Participants also addressed steps to be taken to take Kuwait out of the report when it is reviewed in February 2015.
According to Sheikh Nimr, the Ministry will carry on enforcing IPR protection legislations as well as organizing events to enhance society awareness on the dangers of fake products for people and the environment.
The Committee, recently formed by a ministerial decree, will continue efforts for IPR protection in Kuwait, examining the relevant legislations and informing the Cabinet on developments, he said.
The Committee comprises representatives from the Ministries of Interior, Health and Information, besides the Kuwait Municipality and the General Administration for Customs (KGAC).