Egypt's Journalists Syndicate

Egypt's Journalists Syndicate on Sunday submitted a request to Prosecutor General Nabil Sadeq to suspend an imprisonment ruling against journalist Ahmed Nagy.

In a statement, the syndicate said that the prison term violates the freedom of creativity and the Constitution, which prohibits imprisonment in publication cases.

An Egyptian court handed Nagy a two-year prison sentence Saturday, after accepting an appeal presented by the public prosecution on the acquittal of Nagy in November of charges of publishing and writing an article with "obscene sexual content".

The court sentenced him two years in prison and ordered the editor of "Akhbar Al Adab" to pay EGP 10,000 as a fine for publishing Nagy's article.

A chapter of Nagy's novel, the "Use of Life", was published in Akhbar Al Adab, a literary journal that falls under state-owned Akhbar Al Youm, in August 2014.