Jordanian State Minister for Media Affairs and CommunicationMohammad Momani headed the 45th session of Arab Information MinistersCouncil, which was held at the headquarters of the Arab League in Cairo today.In remarks during the session, Momani stressed the need for accomplishing visions,ideas and plans to boost joint Arab action in light of the accelerating technologicaldevelopment and their impact on the media.The minister highlighted the role of joint Arab action in serving Arab intereststhrough boosting joint cooperation and urged Arab media personnel andjournalists to shoulder their responsibilities and enhance free and responsiblemedia.He said that all Arab and international media charters emphasized the role of themedia in preserving the security and stability of states and communities, nationalunity and respecting of the state’s sovereignty.“Reconsidering media laws and legislation as well as the relationship between theofficial and national media will help in creating media integration that wouldcontribute to developing the media,” he noted.Jordan, Momani said, adopts a policy of openness to the media, supports mediainstitutions, encourages pluralism and respects opinion and counter opinion basedon the Royal vision launched by His Majesty King Abdullah II.“Political, economic and social reforms as well as developing the media are apriority in the vision and directives of His Majesty the King who is leading Jordan’scomprehensive reform process,” the minister said.A number of Arab information ministers stressed the need for Arab cooperation toaddress challenges facing the Arab region. They also highlighted the role of the media in serving the Arab nation and combating terrorism and extremism.During the session, the ministers discussed 16 items related to Arab mediacooperation, mainly following up the implementation of resolutions of the Arabsummit in the media field.The council also issued a statement in which it urged states and international organizations to support efforts designed to release Palestinian prisoners in Israelijails.