France expressed Friday its satisfaction for the release of French journalist David Gioveron, who worked for "Canal Plus" in Simferopol, after being detained in Ukraine for several hours French Embassy representatives met with him, he is in good health, French Foreign Ministry spokesman Romain Nadal said in statements on Friday. Several serious incidents targeted against journalists, including French journalists, have taken place in Crimea in recent days. Journalists have been subjected to pressure, intimidation and violence, he added. "France condemns these obstructions to the work of journalists and calls for respect for the freedom of information. The freedom of expression and the freedom of the press in particular form the basis of all democracy and must be universally respected," he said. "We urge the French journalists who are currently in Crimea or who are planning to go there to exercise caution and to keep up to date with the "Travel Advice" section of the France Diplomatic website which is updated in real time."