Journalists in Turkey

The EU Sunday condemned the police raids and arrests of a number of journalists and media representatives in Turkey earlier today as "incompatible with the freedom of media.
"We expect that the principle of presumption of innocence will prevail and recall the inalienable right for an independent and transparent investigation in case of any alleged wrongdoing, with full respect of the rights of the defendants," said Federica Mogherini, EU High Representative, and Johannes Hahn, EU Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, in a joint statement.
"Coming only a few days after our visit to Turkey which has underlined the importance of EU-Turkey relations, this operation goes against the European values and standards Turkey aspires to be part of and which are the core of reinforced relations," they said.
The statement recalled that any further step towards accession with any candidate country depends on the full respect for the rule of law and fundamental rights.
"We will convey our concerns to the (EU) Council, which will on Tuesday discuss enlargement policy, including Turkey. We expect that the strong EU commitment given by our Turkish counterparts during our visit to be translated into deeds" it added.