The broadcasting law, adopted by the end of January by the Algerian Parliament and published in the Official Journal n°16 of 23 March 2014, represents a legal framework drafted in accordance with the international standards in order to ensure good management of the broadcasting sector in Algeria.The law, which is part of the reforms initiated by President of the Republic Abdelaziz Bouteflika to consolidate the rule of law and broaden freedoms, aims, through its 113 articles, at regulating the broadcasting sector by including the investment opportunities offered to the national private operators.The law, drawn up after consultation with experts, professionals and lawyers, defines the conditions governing the broadcasting activities and adapts them to the international standards.In order to preserve the public service mission, an independent regulatory authority will be set up in accordance with the law.The majority of deputies of People's National Assembly (Lower House of Parliament) and members of the Council of Nation (Upper House of Parliament) voted for the law after several days of debates. The law was rejected by the parliamentary groups of Green Algeria Alliance, the Party for Justice and Development (PJD) and the Socialist Forces Front (FFS).