British journalist Graham Phillips

 British journalist Graham Phillips was wounded on Monday on the outskirts of the Peski village, in Eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk region.
The Rossiya-24 TV channel’s special correspondent said it is a back wound, without revealing any further details of the incident, Itar-Tass reported.
A source familiar with the situation said Phillips has received a shrapnel wound, but his life is not in danger. The reporter has been taken to a hospital in Donetsk.
The journalist was scheduled to go back to the United Kingdom on Tuesday.
Phillips has been recently working for Russia’s Zvezda TV channel, run by the Defense Ministry. He previously worked as a freelance journalist for RT and has been held by Ukraine’s troops several times.
In late May, Phillips was detained by Ukraine’s servicemen and released only after the incident was reported by foreign mass media outlets. In July, the journalist was deported from Ukraine and banned from re-entering the country for three years.