In an exclusive interview set to air Monday on the US news network CBS, Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad is said to have denied that his regime had anything to do with last month\'s chemical weapon attack. \"He denied that he knew there was a chemical attack, notwithstanding what has been said and notwithstanding the videotape. He said there\'s not enough evidence to make a conclusive judgment,\" said CBS veteran news correspondent Charlie Rose, who interviewed Assad. \"The most important thing, as he says, is that \'there\'s no evidence that I used chemical weapons against my own people\',\" said Rose. He added that Assad \"had a message to the American people that it had not been a good experience for them to get involved in the Middle East in wars and conflicts\" and encouraged them to communicate that message to their representatives in Congress. The interview will air the same day President Barack Obama gives six interviews to America\'s largest news networks, in order to try and sell his military plan of action in Syria. Obama will also make a nationwide address from the White House on Tuesday.