The key role of the press in raising public awareness andboosting social capabilities has been stressed. His Royal Highness Prime MinisterPrince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa underlined the importance of mass media andthe press in Bahrain as a key partner in supporting the government's developmentefforts and shaping visions.Addressing the world on the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day, on May 3, heCalled on the press to further boost its role and positive contribution to promotingthe culture of work and production to better serve the nation.He pointed out that choosing this year's theme "Media Freedom for a Better Future:Shaping the Post-2015 Development Agenda", re-affirms confidence of theinternational community in the role of the press as a key contributor tointernational growth and a tribute to the efforts made to promote the millennium'sdevelopment goals. He stressed that Bahrain's keenness to join the world every year in celebrating theWorld Press Freedom Day is a recognition of the remarkable role played by thenational press throughout Bahrain's history in fast-tracking development.HRH paid tribute to His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa for fostering aclimate of freedom of expression, stressing the importance of the press as a meansto anchor values of tolerance and moderation and renounce ideologies which arealien to the Bahraini society that has ever been known for peace and co-existence. "Journalists and media persons in Bahrain have a major role in enlightening thesociety and their responsibilities are bigger in achieving people's aspirations anddefending their issues courageously and objectively," he said, stressing nationalgrowth as a stimulus and a priority.He also underscored the influential role of journalists and media persons inshaping public awareness and bolstering good values and patriotism. He reiteratedhis open-door policy with the press and mass media, lauding the climate of freedomand openness reigning in Bahrain.He urged to tap on the youth's potentials by encouraging and stimulating them toacquire the needed knowledge so as to groom an open-minded generation keen onmaintaining bridges of communication between the community and the pressHRH the Prime Minister asserted that freedom of expression is protected andguaranteed by the constitution, underscoring the government's constant andconfident steps on the path of development and democracy."Bahrain has been able to bring about major, comprehensive and sustainabledevelopment achievements and successfully attain the millennium's developmentgoals which earned it the UN Millennium Development Goals Award in 2010."HRH underlined the need for concerted efforts to debunk fallacies and defamatorycampaigns waged against Bahrain to mar its reputation and undermine national security and stability. He also praised the role of Bahrain Journalists Association infollowing up on Bahraini journalists affairs and achieving their aspirations.