Arab States Broadcasting Union chief Mohammad al-Awwash

The Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU) chief Mohammad Al-Awwash hailed Kuwait's humanitarian role on the Arab and international fronts and its attempts to ease the suffering and anguish of millions worldwide.
He described His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, who the UN handed the title of Humanitarian Leader in 2014, as an "example and an international symbol." As Kuwait prepares to host a third aid-pledging conference for Syrian refugees on March 31, Al-Awwash regarded this a global testament to the other "thoroughly deserved" title also granted by the UN to the Gulf nation of Humanitarian Centre.
Himself a Kuwaiti Ministry of Information official, he expressed pride that these accomplishments have been recorded in the name of an Arab leader, saying this honour is one for the region as a whole.
The ASBU head went on to mention that he would be proposing an award for best humanitarian documentary at the Arab League body's next meeting, adding this would do much to shed light on the plight of those in need and would encourage further initiatives directed at their cause.