Erdem Basci, Governor of Turkey\'s Central Bank, will evaluate the current developments in financial markets and provide information on policies of Central Bank to AA Finance Desk on Tuesday. AA Finance Desk,  a series of live meetings of AA Finance News Terminal that has been developed within the frame of AA’s centennial vision, is going to host Turkey\'s Central Bank Governor Erdem Basci for the second time, the first being on November 12, 2012. Basci will give information about policies of Central Bank and will evaluate the current developments in financial markets. Questions can be directed to Erdem Basci on \'\'@aa_finans\'\' Twitter account of AA Finance News. AA will broadcast the meeting live as of 10.30 a.m. and could be watched on - AA Finance Editorial Desk AA Finance Editorial Desk which brings together finance professionals with AA editors has hosted Turkish Economy Minister Zafer Caglayan, Turkish Science, Industry and Technology Minister Nihat Ergun, Central Bank Governor Erdem Basci, Capital Market Board (SPK) Director Vedat Akgiray, Istanbul Stock Exchange (IMKB) Director Ibrahim Turhan, Turkish Exporters\' Assembly (TIM) Director Mehmet Buyukeksi, Istanbul Gold Market (IAB) Director Osman Sarac, Turkish Airlines (THY) Director General Temel Kotil, Chairman of the Executive Board of Turkish Union of Participation Banks (TKBB) and Kuwait Turk Participation Bank Director General Ufuk Uyan, Chairman of the Association of Real Estate Investment Companies (GYODER) Isik Gokkaya, Central Registry Agency (MKK) Director General Yakup Ergincan, Banks Association of Turkey (TBB) Chairman Huseyin Aydin, Chairman of Turkey\'s Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEIK) Rona Yircali, head of the Turkish Confederation of Businessmen and Industrialists (TUSKON) Rizanur Meral, head of the Turkish Credit Bureau (KKB) Kasim Akdeniz and head of Independent Industrialists and Businessmen Association (MUSIAD) Nail Olpak, Chairman of Corporate Governance Association of Turkey (TKYD) and Deputy Chairman of Management Board of Garanti Bank Portfolio Gür Çağdaş, General Director of The Interbank Card Center (BKM) Soner Canko, Board Chairman of Pension Monitoring System and Vakif Pension General Director Mehmet Bostan, Chairman of Executive Board of the Automotive Manufacturers Association (OSD) Kudret Önen, Chairman of the Executive Board of Akfen Holding Hamdi Akin, Top Director of TOFAS Kamil Basaran, Director of Fitch Ratings in Turkey Gülcan USTAY and Member of the Executive Board of Bourse Istanbul and Chairman of Association of Capital Market Intermediary Institutions Attila Köksal, Chairman of JCR Eurasia Orhan Okmen, General Director of Albaraka Turk Fahrettin Yahsi, General Director of Garati Bank Ergun Ozen and Chairman of Istanbul Gold Refinery Ozcan Halac, Turkcell Director General Sureyya Ciliv, Chief Economist of International Energy Agency (IEA) Fatih Birol so far.