3 media regulatory bodies to be set up within month
MP Ossama Heikal

The Higher Council of Media, the National Authority of Press and the National Authority of Media will be set up within a month, member of parliament and head of the media committee Ossama Heikal said on Monday.

The three entities are stipulated in a law on the national media authorities.

A number of bodies, including the State Council, the Syndicate of Journalists, the Syndicate of Media Professionals, once it is set up, and the office body of parliament will be entitled to nominate members for the three entities, Heika said in statements following the prime minister’s meeting with a number of MPs.

After the three bodies are formed, a meeting on the law regulating media and the press will be held, Heikal said.

“The bodies will be invited to give their say on this law within a month after the meeting," he added.