The danger of a high voltage electric shock is ever present in the minds of the people who drive today’s all-electric cars. Couple that with the fear of running out of juice and it may not be an enjoyable experience. One expects that when carrying so much stored current around, it may all be suddenly discharged doing massive damage both to the car and the driver. You’ll be pleased to know that the Leaf has been thoroughly tested by a team of experts from Nissan. They have worked out all the ‘kinks’ of the electrical system and they assure us that their work was not in vain and the Leaf is perfectly safe to use, even in conditions much rougher than you’d expect. The engineers put the car through over 1,000 different test scenarios and the car passed all of them without a hitch. We’re really pleased to see this rather amusing video, but it goes to show that when it comes to safety, people are dead serious even when fooling around. It also shows that thinking outside the box is a good thing, regardless of what field of activity you work in.