Jaguar Enthusiasts’ Club members cars prepare to embark on an American adventure on the Club’s seventh overseas tour. The 21 day tour of Eastern USA and Canada and will cover 2000 miles which Club members will drive in their own Jaguars. The motorcade, which has a combined value of £1.5m, comprises 43 vehicles and 85 people. The privately owned Jaguars arrived at Southampton Docks on the 5th and 6th of September when the cars were loaded ready for the journey across the pond to the USA. The tour commences on 26th September from Washington DC and takes in Niagara Falls, Montreal and New York City along the way. One of the organisers, Jaguar Enthusiasts’ Club General Manager Graham Searle, explained that the expedition is the seventh overseas tour since 2000. “The overseas tours are complicated to co-ordinate but extremely rewarding to complete. We rely on the commitment from our members, the expertise of tour operators and travelling mechanics as well as the support of sponsors, such as Footman James our specialist insurance broker which has provided insurance cover for the tour. “Indeed there are many un-sung heroes who play an integral part in the organisation of these events. One such example is the management of the vehicles’ embarkation at the docks, a lengthy four-day process that was managed by Simon and Ann Cronin. We are indebted to those who provide their assistance and support, without it the tours would simply not take place!” Andy Fairchild, Footman James’ managing director commented. “We are delighted to support the Jaguar Enthusiasts’ Club, one of our key partners, by providing insurance cover for the 43 vehicles taking part in the tour. “The vehicles range in age, model and value and include, amongst others, a 1950 XK120 Roadster, 1964 E-Type S1 FHC and the latest Jaguar supercar the XKR-S convertible. “We wish the tour party good luck and fingers crossed members do not have to rely too heavily on their mechanical experts!” Tour participants and Jaguar Enthusiasts’ Club members Keith Walker and Gill Ball are taking their 1968 E-type Series 1 ½ which was originally shipped to the USA but brought back to the UK in 1989 and is now fully restored. Keith and Jill have owned the vehicle for 12 years and clocked up 50,000 miles primarily touring the UK and Europe. This is their first JEC tour. As Footman James customers throughout they have realised the benefit of a trusted insurance partner as they had previously required an emergency recovery home from Normandy. They travelled home to Stoke on Trent in a hire car supplied by Footman James and had their vehicle safely repatriated too. Keith said, “It is fantastic that so many Jaguar owners can get together and take part in what is the fourth USA tour organised by the Club and the first one that Gill and I have taken part in. As Club members we are all like-minded enthusiasts with a shared passion and are looking forward to 2000 miles of open road against a backdrop of breathtaking scenery.” From motorin