China\'s efforts to combat climate change during 2006-2010

China aims to reduce the per-unit GDP greenhouse gas emission in 2020 by 40 percent to 45 percent as compared to that of 2005. To accomplish the goals, China adopted a range of major policy measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change during the Eleventh Five-Year Plan (2006-2010) period, and has achieved remarkable results. Following are the major achievements China made during this period: Closure of outdated industrial capacity China shut down small thermal power generating units with a total generating capacity of 76.82 million kw, and eliminated backward steel production capacity to the tune of 72 million tons. China phased out 120 million tons of iron production capacity, 370 million tons of cement production capacity, 107 million tons of coke production capacity, 11.3 million tons of paper production capacity, and 45 million cases of glass production capacity. From 2005 to 2010, coal consumption in thermal power supply dropped 10 percent from 370 g/kwh to 333 g/kwh. Strategic and newly emerging industries The government has established 20 venture capital investment funds and supported the growth of innovative enterprises in energy conservation, environmental protection, new energy development and other sectors in strategic new industries. In 2010, the output value of China\'s high-tech manufacturing industries reached 7.6 trillion yuan (118.75 billion U.S. dollars), ranking the second in the world, and more than twice the figure for 2005.