In terms of per capita savings, each UAE resident can save more than $15,043

Renewable energy has, of late, become a household name now and one of the hottest topics globally - thanks to climate change and greenhouses gases resulting in harsh weather in different parts of the world.

Be it a developed or develop country, no nation is immune from the impact of global warming, resulting in financial losses running into billions of dirhams and also rise in deaths due to air pollution. Going by a global study, the UAE can save billions of dirhams in costs related to energy, health and climate change, create a large number of jobs in addition to reducing the number of deaths due to air pollution by transitioning into 100 per cent renewable energy.

Conducted by Researchers at Stanford University and other US and European universities, the study showed that the UAE can create 611,500 jobs by successfully adopting cleaner renewable energy.

The study, by Solutions Project, stated that 364,159 jobs can be created in operational segment and 247,340 in construction sector. These figures are based on the numbers of jobs where a person is employed for 40 consecutive years.

Source: Khaleej Times