High Representative Angela Kane

High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Angela Kane briefed the Security Council this morning on chemical weapons in Syria, in particularly followup in resolution 2118.
After the conclusion of the joint OPCW-UN mission late last year, this is the first briefing for her to the Council, Kane told the reporters.
Kane said, that during the closed meeting, she raised issues update such as the followup on resolution 2118 concerning Chemical weapons, the ongoing work in Syria, as well as the gaps and declaration issues.
"There are declaration discussions going on between the OPCW and Syria," she noted.
The UN official also told the reporters that she had updated the Council with the remaining destruction facilities of productions, and that the timeline is expected to be completed by the end of June.
Furthermore, she said that three reports of the fact finding mission which have been mandated by the Director General of the OPCW, was also raised before the UNSC.
Noting that she will not going to take any questions from the press, she confirmed that she will be reporting regularly back to the Security Council.
On his part, the President of the Security Council of this month, Chile's UN Ambassador Cristian Barros Melet, said that the members of UNSC expressed their views mainly on the progress and pending issues regarding the process of elimination of chemical weapon in Syria.