The Ministry of Social Affairs said on its official Twitter account

The Ministry of Social Affairs said on its official Twitter account that it has identified the abused child featured on a widely-circulated video showing him locked outside in the hot sun of Tabuk.
The tweet by the ministry said: “We have identified the address of the child and his father who was summoned by the security authorities. We thank all those who interacted with us and provided us with information.”
The ministry said a team from the social protection department visited the house of the child to check on his health. The father went to work and the child’s aunt, instead of taking care of him, allegedly abused him and locked him outside in the sun without food or water.
The child’s father, according to an official, confirmed his son is mentally retarded and has a brother in the same condition, but that none of his two sons were subjected to violence from the family or any outside member.
Ahmad Abu Shama, a sociologist and family counselor, said the usual procedure was to check on the allegations of violence. “According to the findings of the team and after conducting the necessary social studies, the recommendations are submitted for further procedures. If an abuse occurred or violence was used, the special regulations on violence and abuse are activated. The regulations progress gradually from giving directions and guidance until they reach the imposition of penalties, including imprisonment and fines.”
He said if the victim was actually abused and violated, this would have a big psychological impact.
Source: Arab News