4 ways to stay in fashion without
Fashion changes from season to season

Fashion changes from season to season, but buying new clothes accordingly may not be realistic. Jessica Smit, the blogger behind www.foxesandfood.com, shares some ways to revamp your wardrobe without spending too much.

Get old clothes fixed: Have a stitch out of place in your favourite pair of jeans? Broke a heel? Just get it fixed by a local tailor or cobbler, respectively. Not only will it be returned good as new, it'll save you money in the long run. There are also loads of places like across Dubai like Champion Cleaners that has a 'bag and shoe spa' service to fix designer accessories.
Upcycle: If you think a product cannot be salvaged, or has just gone out of style, upcycle it by turning it into something completely new. Look at Youtube for inspiration, or contact someone else to do it for you. There are groups around Dubai that specialize in upcycling products, like Unwasted UAE.

Throw on accessories: Even the smallest thing can make a difference. Try wearing your hair up instead of leaving it down or try on red heels instead of black. Mix and match outfit combinations you haven't tried before to create a whole new look.

Borrow from friends: A fun way to try new things. If you have friends who are your size, you're bound to have lots of clothing options between you