Cold Weather and Chance of Light Rain
Cold Weather and Chance of Light Rain

Weather forecast for Qatar valid until 6pm Tuesday inshore will be partly cloudy to cloudy at times with light rain at places, cold by night, offshore it will be hazy and partly cloudy to cloudy with scattered rain maybe thundery at times.
The Department of Meteorology warned of strong wind and high seas and expected thunder rain at places offshore.
Wind inshore will be northwesterly 05 to 15 knot, offshore will be northwesterly 12 to 22 knot, reaching to 25 knot at places with thundery rain decreasing to 05 to 15 knot by night.
Visibility will be 04 to 09 kilometer. The sea state inshore will be between one to three feet reaches four feet at places with thundery rain, offshore will be four to seven feet reaches eight feet at places with thundery rain falling to two to four feet by night.
Tide Times and temperatures are as follows: Area    High Tide Low Tide Mini - Max ----    ----------------- ------------------ ------------------- Messaid    04:00 - *****    19:45 - *****    16 Wakrah    02:15 - 11:15 09:00 - 19:00    16 Doha    07:    02:00 - 10:45    09:30 - 18:30    19 Al Khor 00:15- 09:45    05:45 - 17:15    20 Ruwais    00:15 - 13:00    07:15 - 19:00    18 Dukhan    05:15 - 18:00    11:45 - 23:45    17 Sunrise : 06:04 lt Sunset today    : 17:31 lt 

Source: QNA